The TACIS Program has been launched in 1991 to provide grants
for technical assistance for 13 post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe, Central
Asia and Mongolia. This aims in enhancing the transition process and drawing
nearer these countries to the western economic and civilization standards. Main
strategic sectors of their economies have been addressed by many projects formulated
on pressing problems hindering sustainable development. One the sectors selected
for the development assistance is agriculture with related branches (food production,
environment, rural development) because it is a key factor to ensure food-staffs
and stabilize rural areas. Characteristics and process implementation of TACIS
projects in the field of agriculture as well as problems and tools for financing
agricultural inputs in Kyrgyzstan are especially focused in this article. Forms
of privatization and their discussion are also offered.
Key words:
TACIS; Loan; Credit Cooperative; National Capital; Kyrgyzstan; Agriculture;
Credit Revolving Funds