What regards solving of the food problem in developing
countries, it is possible to formulate a conclusion, that it cannot be solved
separately, but that it is necessary to include it into the complex macro-economic
reform context. Simultaneously, it is necessary to keep in mind, besides the
macro—economic point of view, also the impact of the reforms on the individual
social groups. Among the basic prerequisites of the solution, there belongs
installing of the political stability and democratic conditions, elimination
of the barriers preventing the private business development and access to the
world markets. However, a successful solution of the food problem is obviously
unthinkable without a policy aimed at a considerable restriction of the population
From the time point of view, among the most important short-term solutions there
belong granting of food aid; in the medium—term horizon, it is necessary
to focus above all at fiscal reforms, removing of the market obstacles and development
of infrastructure. From the long—term point of view, the basic prerequisite
is solving of the food problem, installing of sustainable economic growth and
suppressing of poverty. To this aim, there should contribute the ownership relationships
reform, enabling access to land for small farmers and then the economic orientation
of the country either on the home agricultural production or (depending on the
natural and economic conditions, human resources etc.) on the development of
other activities, which would enable the country to realize its production in
the world market in the long run and to import food using the means thus obtained.
Even if some countries realy manage to develop their own agriculture in such
a way, that they reach food self sufficiency, and other countries, oriented
for example at the oil exports, tourism or industry, will be able to afford
importing food, neve rthless there will still exist a number of countries, where
the number of the hungry will remain high. With regard to the still high population
growth, as well as to other circumstances, the pesimistic statement, that the
global shortage of food is one of the major problems of mankind, will, alas,
be valid even in the next century.
Key words:
food problem, developing countries, issues and problem
classification, short-time, medium-time and long-time measures.