In the article of the Microfinance Institutions in Latin America, Africa and South Asia, there is describe the situation in these regions and which institutions works there.
The Microfinance institutions are devided into two big groups according to participate in microfinancing – directly and indirectly.
There are five main types of institutions directly involved in microfinance - those related to Governments, those in the private sector, NGOs, cooperative-type
institutions and informal lenders Types of institutions involved “indirectly” in microfinancing are APEX organisations, Commercial banks extending lines of credit to MFIs, Development Banks who extend who extend credit lines to, and take equity positions in, Donors and intermediaries such as the EC and WWB which provide funding and guarantees.
Each type of institutions has own characterictics, and is determinated for specific help there, where is applicated.
Key words:
Microfinance, rural communities, developing countries, credit unions, village banks, ROSCAS.