Determination of the Critical Day Length of Amaranths (Amaranthus sp.)

Al Hakimi Khalid Ali Ahmed

This study discusses the research of photoperiodic reaction A. hypochondriacus L. variety No. 1008, A. cruentus L. variety No. 17 and A. hypochondriacus x A. hybridus variety Koniz. The field experiments manifested critical day length longer than l6 hours. Also the photoperiodic experiment with special equipment showed that all three varieties of amaranth classified in literature as short-day plants are not strictly, in reality, short-day plants. However, the compulsary short-day plants are very tolerant to the length of the day. The observed species and varieties behaved under the conditions of mild climate (50° as plants responsive slightly to shorter days as plants facultatively photoperiodically sensitive which burst into bloom and produce seeds also during the summer period with longer days. Such as this it is possible to explain the successful cultivation of grain amaranths in the Czech Republic.

Key words:
Amaranthus hypochondriacus, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hypochondriacus x Amaranthus hybridus, photoperiodic reaction, critical day length, facultatively short-day plants.

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