The term competitiveness is used in connection to firms, industrial branches, regions, states etc. However, perhaps only on
the level of a firm it is sufficiently defined. There are even opinions which regard competitiveness as an economic attribute which has sense solely on the firm/enterprise level. If however, competitiveness of a country were defined using the same concepts and procedures of measurement as regarding an enterprise, it might not be meaning ful enough and there would be
a considerable simplification. It issues from the different goals of firms and states as well as the features of competitiveness
in both cases. For a firm/enterprise, the main goal is to survive and to reach a strong positron in the field of international economic competition, i.e. to reach profit and a certain share in the market. For a country, which does not consider the question of existence or non-existence (at lest regarding the economic side of the matter), the main goal is to sustain and improve the living level of its inhabitants and to increase it as well as their welfare.
Key words:
Competitiveness, difinitions, measuring based on outputs/results.