Volume 40,1 (2007)
Volume 40,2 (2007)
Volume 40,3 (2007)
Volume 40,4 (2007)
Volume 40,1 (2007) - CONTENTS
Original Research Papers
Beránek M., Bechyně M., Klíma M.
Protoplast Isolation and Fusion between Brassica carinata Braun and Brassica rapa L.
Tamir B., Kitaba A.
Effect of Harvesting Stage and Nutrient Levels on Nutritive Values of Natural Pasture in Central Highlands of Ethiopia
Jeníček V., Krepl V.
Competitiveness I.
Šafránková M., Havel J.
Impact of Microfinancing on Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries, Case Jordan
Kunc P., Knížková I., Přikryl M., Maloun J.
Infrared Thermography as a Tool to Study the Milking Process: A Review
Volume 40,2 (2007) - CONTENTS
Original Research Papers
Eyasu A., Bechyně M., Klíma M., Vyvadilová M.
Embryogenic Responsibility of Selected Genotypes of Brassica carinata A. Braun to Microspore Culture
Inoni O.E., Chukwuji C.O., Ogisi O.D., Oyaide W.J.
Alleviating Rural Poverty What Role for Small-Holder Livestock Production in Delta State, Nigeria
Intissar El Ferran
Resistance Of Selected Microbes Against Didinfection Means in Milk Industry
Jeníček V., Krepl V.
Competitiveness II.
Sedaghat R.
Spatial Price Integration for Pistachio in Irans Tropics
Review Articles
Hosnedlová B., Trávníček J., Šoch M.
Current View of the Significance of Zinc for Ruminants: A Review
Short Communication
Parvez I.M., Hussain M.D., Ali M.R.
Present Status of Wastewater Utilization in Banglagesh: A Case Study in Mymensingh Periurban Area
Volume 40,3 (2007) - CONTENTS
Original Research Papers
Fernández C. E.,Viehmannová I., Bechyně M., Lachman J., Milella L., Martelli G.
Cultivation and Phenological Growth Stages of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius).
Kara T.
A Mathematical Approach: Sprinkler Irrigation Drop Distribution on Soil Surface.
Mazancová J., Novák K., Krepl V.
Assesment of Food Accessibility in the Bie Province (Angola).
Memon S.Q., Mirza B. Baig, Mari G.R., Shabbir A.
Tillage Practices and Effect of Sowing Methods on Growth and Yield of Maize Crop.
Review Articles
Ramezani M., Amini A. M., Raissi G. A.
The Role of Manpower in the Success of Iran's Poultry Growers Cooperatives.
Rapid Communications
Quiroga F., Prášilová M., Krepl V.
Utilization of Alternative Sources of Energy in Chile.
Short Communications
Viehmannová I., Fernandez C. E, Hnilička F, Robles C. D.
The Influence of Growth Regulators on Root Induction in Vitro of the Musa genus.
Vostrovský V., Jablonská E.
Mushroom Growing with Information Support as Opportunity for the Developing Countries.
Volume 40,4 (2007) - CONTENTS
Olowe V. I. O.
Optimum Planting Date for Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in the Transition Zone of South West Nigeria.
Inoni O. E., Oyaide W. J.
Socio-Economic Analysis of Artisanal Fishing in the South Agro-Ecological Zone of Delta State, Nigeria.
Djaboutou M. C., Lancon J., Sekloka E., Alabi S. O., Echekwu C. A., Olarewaju J. D.
Innovative Farmer-Participatory Cotton Improvement Programme in the Savanna Agro-Ecology.
Mamadou D., Jeníček V.
Rice Culture in Guinea, Financial, Constrains and Incidences on the Remit of Agriculturally Families.
Inoni O. E.
Allocative Efficiency in Pond Fish Production in Delta State, Nigeria: A Production Function Approach.
Gana A. K., Shebanya J. A. Y., Ogunlela V. E., Odion E. C., Imohin E. D.
Influence of Fertility Rates and Chemical Weed Control on the Stalk Yield (Ton/Ha) and Juice Quality of Chewing Sugarcane at Badeggi, Nigeria.
Lam Viet Dung., Jeníček V.
The Study on Penetration Capacity of Coffee Products into USA's Market.
Čempírková R., Šoch, M.
The Analysis of Real Microbiological Risks for Dissociated Slurry