M. Parvez Islam1, M.D. Hussain and M.R. Ali
This study was carried out during the period from January'2005 to November'2005 at Mymensingh Periurban area and selected for field data collection as because the whole wastewater of Mymensingh Municipal area is passed through this Periurban area and this place is very near to Bangladesh Agricultural University.
Wastewater discharge through these three channels were recorded for eleventh months. The dimensions of the wastewater carrying channels were measured at different distances and the mean discharges through the channels were estimated. Wastewater characteristics were also recorded by appropriate methods and instruments. The wastewater
characteristics such as pH, EC, TDS, NH4 and PO4 were determined. Besides, the plants growing in the channel sides using wastewater were also recorded and analyzed for NH4 & PO4.
PRA (Participatory rural appraisal) was also conducted in the Periurban areas to know advantages and disadvantages
of using wastewater. Yield data on paddy was collected from the growers. Farmers were interested to use wastewater
for irrigation provided they are pretreated by biological or other means.
Key words:
Wastewater, Periurban area, evapotranspiration, Participatory rural appraisal and irrigation