The milk is a head-food, practically complete its composition rich in nutritive elementary necessary for growth and protection of animal and human, but also ideal media for microbial flora which multiplicate quickly leading for spoil
of milk Some of these microorganisms can be pathologic for consumer, for this reason hygienic condition must be harsh and respected to assure a good quality of product and avoid the risk of contaminations for consumer. Some of this processing is disinfection of all materials used in dairy process. The assuring of a good disinfection and cleaning
is very important step of production dairy chain.. From this our work was concentrated to study the resistance of bacteries which can be present in milk and pathogenic for consumer to the disinfectants used in milk process in order
to try to develop the disinfection's system according to need.
Key words:
Dairy microbiology, disinfection, UV dairy disinfection, HACCP, cleaning